Early Signs of Spring: New Life in the Urban Garden

Early spring is always an exciting time in the urban garden: delicate fruit blossoms, the bright hues of the first green herbs and rainbow chard peeking through the winter mulch, and the vibrant sunny faces of dandelions, ficaria and the common daisy – no less beautiful for its name.🌺🌼🌱🌿
As most of these are edible, they’re also a wonderful source of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients after a long, dreary winter. (Disclaimer: double check / get expert advice / don’t take risks unless you’re absolutely certain you’ve got the correct, safe plant in front of you. Many can look remarkably similar!)
I’m always surprised how much food or herb toppings even a few pots or a small garden plot can produce this early in the season. If you haven’t yet, why not use the spring in the air (and in your step) to get pottering and gardening this year? A small selection of easy-to-grow chives, radishes, garlic, oregano, thyme, rosemary, lemonbalm, lemon verbena, fennel, lovage and mint will get you far and spruce up the rest of your food all year round. 🥙🥗🌿 And perfect to enjoy with a lovely glass of wine!

Which herbs or plants are your favourites to grow? 🌱