Livestream Video: The Sense or Nonsense of Wine Reviews

Yesterday we held our 4th livestream in the (Dutch-spoken) Facebook group Wijn Wijn Wijn. This time I interviewed three eminent wine writers / wine journalists from Flanders and The Netherlands:
- Cees van Casteren MW. Master of Wine, wine consultant, wine teacher, writer and freelance journalist. Author of the recently published wine book ‘Proeven als een Pro’. Highly recommended for novice as well as experienced tasters and wine professionals!
- Frank Van der Auwera. Twofold Wine World Ambassador of the Year winner and Gourmet Drinks Awards laureate, winner of the Prix Louis Marinier, author of several wine and culinary books, and wine journalist for several newspapers and magazines.
- Simonne Wellekens. Wine lecturer, wine journalist for various newspapers and magazines, editor-in-chief of Ken Wijn magazine, author of several wine guides and Belgium’s Wine Lady of the Year 2019.
I spoke with them about the subjectivity of wine tasting; the intent and value of wine review; different evaluation methods; how a professional wine critique comes to be; their relationships with wine makers and wine merchants, and much more.
In short: what everyday life looks like for wine journalists and wine writers. Including zesty anecdotes, but also reflections about wine tasting, knowledge and experience, authenticity and sincerity.
You can watch the recorded video of our talk below (Flemish/Dutch spoken). Enjoy!